That was the not fun part of this post; here's the good stuff. A blog I read on the regular, Comics Should Be Good, recently had a contest/ challenge where people could draw and submit their own comic page based on a Batman story that had already been published. Sounded like fun, so I took a crack at it. It's down below, but first...
They've got a vote going right now for the 'best' of the bunch. I would sure appreciate your vote my loyal readers. There's a link to the voting here. It's kinda specific, so I'll explain here. You post down in the comment section to vote. You'll rank your top five favorite pages (in order, may I humbly suggest my name near or at the top?), numbered 1-5. Include ACBC in your comment somewhere (that'll make it invisible, and a secret ballot) It's gotta have five choices, not just me-... I mean, your favorite. And it must must must have ACBC in the post, so that it's secret and counted.
Thanks in advance.
Here's my page

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