Los Angeles is, as the saying goes, "A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there". I really enjoyed the museum we went to (the Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and the food was great wherever we went. That said I kept feeling like there was something... missing. I've been to my share of big, bustling cities, from NYC to Rome to Istanbul to Paris. There's something that's a little lacking in LA compared to those (or even lesser cities like Montreal, Toronto, Philly or Florence). I think it's some combination of a) the lack of public transport connecting the city and people, b) the fact that everything's so spread out and disconnected because of it and c) the relative lack of history in the city.
That said, one of the big high points was the aforementioned LA County Museum of Art. It's a collection of buildings, rather than your standard colossal museum, which takes advantage of the near-perennial sunshine southern California. There's also a nice mix of works on display, from Ancient Egyptian mummies to Jeff Koons, and everything inbetween.
If you're not watching "The Good Wife" on television, you should be. Just sayin'.
Something I forgot about the LACMA: There's an amazing sculpture group out in front of the museum called "Urban Lighting". It's a collection of arranged street lamps of varying age and style. Anyone who knows me knows that "street lamps of varying age and style" is one of my favorite sentences. Really. I could pontificate about the beauty of New York City street lamps for hours (and have).
Here's a photo of "Urban Lighting". It's pur-tty.
Most people reading this blog know that I'm pretty active on Deviant Art. There's a lot of great artists on there, and a lot of great people. I've been into a design lately for a character called Blue Jaye. I'm doing a picture of the character, just for kicks. Here's my rough/ breakdown.
Enjoy your week!

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