We just got a new TV (yay, us!) and finding a stand for the thing is proving a bit more difficult than I'd expect. Everything's either too small, too big, or wall mounted. I don't quite know why but I've got something close to a moral opposition to wall-mounting our television. Weird.
In ancient Egypt, women were allowed to pay taxes, own property and collect income from businesses. Just in case you wanted to know.
I've been talking a lot about John Romita, Jr. and Klaus Janson individually lately, though I did make mention of the fact that Janson is one of Romita Jr.'s best inkers. They are though, for my money, one of the best penciler/ inker teams in comics ever. One of their earliest collaborations was 1991's "Hearts of Darkness". It's a fine enough story by Howard Mackie, but the art... Man! The interplay between the individual talents of Klaus and John in this book are amazing. It can be had for really really cheap and is well worth the money you'll pay.
Our cats love to eat poinsettias. Almost as much as they love to throw up poinsettias.
It's their way of saying "Happy Holidays" I think.
I was looking through my sketchbook for some loose ends and I realized I had a piece that was meant for one of my original 'Foto Friday's. It's of a model that I've been using for some poses for my comic work.

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