This week's piece is a Michael Golden sketch of Ultimate Captain America (by the looks of it, anyways) which first appeared in Modern Masters Volume Twelve. Golden is a great artist, and does incredibly tight pencils; the challenge here was going to be not straying any further than necessary from the tight but energetic draftsmanship. This sketch is from 2007, but Golden has been doing amazing work for over thirty years now. (If you're looking for some of his stuff, check out his Batman Family issues or the work he did on The 'Nam)
I realized quickly that I've done most of my inking samples over much looser pencils. I think that this has been on purpose, as an inker is much more challenged with drawings where many of the decisions haven't been made yet (makes sense, right?). So, speaking of challenge...
This shit's hard! I kid, but really Golden, really? There's a lot going on here. I've exceeded my self-allotted time for completion of this bad boy, but fear not, I'm going to finish it for Inspiration Thursday. There's a reason for that too. To be continued...
Here's Golden's original:

And here's what I've done so far:
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